Hemp Enterprises was founded with the charter to cultivate, process, productize, distribute and champion everything bold and new with Hemp in North America.

Our Services

  1. Hemp Cultivation

    100’s of Acres Across California

  2. Hemp Breeding
    Proprietary Cultivar Programs
  3. Processing
    Mobile Extraction/Decorticator Plants
  4. Hemp Crop Contracts

    Farmer 1st Partnerships

  5. Hemp Crop Insurance

    All Weather Insurance

  6. Hemp Crop Contracts

    Crop Share and Farm Leases

Our Vision

With over 100 man years of farming experience, Hemp Enterprises principles have designed a unique ‘Farmers First‘ hemp cultivation and processing share model that scales indefinitely.

We are committed to develop superior hemp cultivars, build and support a community of like-minded USA suppliers, and distribute the highest quality Hemp products in the USA.